Saturday Night - Port Sandy Bay

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Wendy Baugniet Nebrija, Bonnie Pelnar, Cindy Beaupre

Mike Komoroske serving up pizza

Cindy, David Sonkowsky, Wendy

Karen Schultz Doerr and Cindy eating cheese curds

Kathy Isherwood Pham and Eric Press

Paige and Jerry Johnson

Bonnie and Tom Vanderbush (old golf buddies)

Bonnie and Faye Zelinski Rezachek

Barb and Mike Wanek

Bonnie and Jerry (dive buddies)

Kathy, Paige, Bonnie and Sue

Faye, Bonnie and Maureen Koch Bergh

Bonnie and Wanda Parker

Cindy, Maureen, Ann Loeser Schad, Wendy

Check back often. We'll be adding more pictures as you all send them to me!
If you would be willing to share your photos here, please contact Bonnie.

Friday night at Lonz's Tannery Club

Saturday morning at the Washington House

Saturday night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/20...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/26...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Friday Night

Photos added on 8/28...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 9/2...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos are coming soon, so please check back!