Saturday Morning at the Washington House

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Joan, Sue, Dave, Bonnie, Karen, Steve and Cindy

Two Rivers - Home of the ice cream sundae

Karen's dad gives us the historic tour

Sue marvels at the beer bottle collection

The upstairs ballroom

Ceiling murals

Ceiling murals

Ceiling murals

Beer bottles

Kirch & kids

Ceiling murals

Barber shop

Saturday Afternoon at the Beach & Kurtz's

Check back often. We'll be adding more pictures as you all send them to me!
If you would be willing to share your photos here, please contact Bonnie.


Friday night at Lonz's Tannery Club

Saturday morning at the Washington House

Saturday night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/20...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/26...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Friday Night

Photos added on 8/28...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 9/2...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos are coming soon, so please check back!