Saturday Night - Port Sandy Bay

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Jerry & Paige

Wayne Schultz, Karen & Tom

Kathy, Paige, Bonnie, Sue

Maureen & Ann
Kirch & Gar in the background

Claire & Nancy

Pete & Cindy

They don't look like Kathy!

Mike Bodart & David Ammerman

Russ Vogel & Todd Brandt

Mike, Bill, Richard Earnst & friend

Cindy & Pat LeClair, Sue & Chuck Rozmarynoski

Vic LeClaire & Joy

Paige, Randy, Mary, Holly Goedjen Stephens & Mark Stephens

Neil Hershfield & Jay Orvis

Wendy, Bonnie & Cindy

Bonnie, Cindy, David, Wendy

Cindy, David, Wendy

Barb & Ann

Steve & Sue

Kathy's daughters

Kathy & Paige

Friday night at Lonz's Tannery Club

Saturday morning at the Washington House

Saturday night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/20...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 8/26...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos from Friday Night

Photos added on 8/28...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

Photos added on 9/2...

Saturday Night at Port Sandy Bay

More photos are coming soon, so please check back!