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Spirit of the Rivers Memorial

We made it!
$ 500
donation thermometer
donation thermometer
$ 531.96
donation thermometer
Thank you to everyone who donated!

Are you in touch with any of these people?

Class of '74 Missing Persons

If you have contact info for any of these people please contact us.
Please try to send us phone numbers if you have them.


 Monica Hebert Storey 

Sherry Gurske Rousse

Bruce Hansen

Kevin Hebert



Daniel N. Lousier

Connie Pribek Cooke

Marcos Gutierrez Rodrigues


Please keep in touch!

We would really like to keep in touch with you as we plan these events. Let us know if you have moved in the past five years, have a new email address or phone number. Please send us your most current contact info by using our contact page. Due to too much spam we ask that you contact us from the Facebook page if you are a member.